Living with intention

Does your life look like the life of your dreams? What's missing?

Most of us tend to ask these questions from time to time. 

I do too! 

That is the moment when I pause and look within. 

Why within? 

Well, because I know that every answer is within me. I can't always find it. But I know it's there.

So my Ego begins desperately looking for an answer. It knows it's somewhere there and willing to go the extra mile by scanning every part of my being.

Deeply embedded, it's searching and examining every cell, atom, and molecule of my being. 

My Ego finds it hard to give up and keeps on pushing.

Feeling defeated decides to surrender. 

Somehow, I remember that what I'm looking for is not visible to my mind and my Ego but instead sensed in my heart.

Here, in the depths of my heart, I know that I'm pure consciousness born out of an intention.

I didn't choose this path of self-discovery. At least not consciously, initially.

This path has chosen me in which I'm deeply grateful for allowing it. 

To begin with, I listened to my inner calling and decided to pick up the call. Oh boy, and what an experience I have had so far! 

Since I embarked on my self-discovery journey, I first trained as a life coach, a deep transformational coach, and then a meditation coach.

All the training has opened up a new world of possibilities and brought me closer to the infinite life force energy or the source that flows through me. Without a doubt, it amplified the connection to my Spirit

You may call it a different name, such as God, Buddha, Allah, Krishna, Infinite Life Force, Energy, or The Source. 

The Spirit that flows through me flows through all of us. I'm not unique in any way. 

I've just learned to acknowledge and connect to it in my meditations. 

As well as every time I close my eyes and feel my breath.

As soon as I connect to Spirit, I feel a sense of peace and reassurance that everything is unfolding in perfect order. 

Remember the saying: "The Universe has your back." 

Once I tap into my connections, I feel aligned and supported by the collective Spirit

 In the book "A Shift in Being," Leon Vanderpol mentions that the energy of Spirit is very subtle; one can only hear it when one slows down, takes deep breaths, meditates, practices grounding, and listens to their heart. 

A diligent practice that requires significant commitment.

It takes time and perseverance. 

As human beings, we are impatient because we live in a world of instant gratification. So when things don't progress, what we tend to hear first is the Ego's voice. Why? 

Well, because it's deafening and shouts desperately complaining and never satisfied!!!

The Spirit it's imbued with the most beautiful intentions. It's the host of the energy of love, peace, acceptance, compassion, forgiveness, joy, trust, calm, kindness, and many more.

Whenever you wish to connect with your intentions and listen to your Spirit, give yourself permission to slow down, take deep breaths, gently close your eyes, and meditate on your senses.

Meditation is where you connect to the energy of Spirit and focus your attention on your intentions.

We live in an abundant Universe everything we need is already here. 

Our job is to become aware of our thoughts and consciously choose our thoughts to raise our vibrations.

When we align with the vibration of Spirit, the right people and experiences flow towards us with ease and joy.

Knowing what to desire can be challenging. Most of us are afraid of choosing wrong and wondering what if "that" would have been better. 

Don't be afraid to ask yourself questions to know what you want. Then rest your awareness in your heart space and listen. 

Deeply listen with the presence of your heart and not your mind. 

The heart is the most intelligent organ in the body and the first to be created in the embryo. 

When intentions come from the heart, you will feel a sense of peace and trust. 

When intentions come from the egoic mind, you will notice a sense of restlessness within your physical body.

​To be clear on your intentions, write down a list of intentions of how you would like to experiment this time on earth.

Place it somewhere visible so you can absorb the words daily for your intentions. 

Every time you meditate, pick an intention and focus your attention on it.

 Your intentions will help you create more of what you want in your life.


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